Readers' Tips4
Shop-tested tips to solve common woodworking problems.
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Shop-tested tips to solve common woodworking problems.
Two handles, two clamps, and two replaceable backer boards -- together they make a handy push block for the router table that eliminates end-grain chipout.
A high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) system makes it quick and easy to spray on a glass-smooth finish. Is it right for you? To find out, we take a look at two types of HVLP systems.
There's more to spraying a perfect finish than squeezing the trigger on a spray gun. We show you practical tips and techniques to ensure a professional-looking finish.
Take a good thing and make it better. That's the idea behind these two shop-built projects designed to improve the performance of a portable dust collector.
Don't get caught holding the bag -- on your dust collector that is. This separator captures the large chips produced by your tools and deposits them in a trash can.
Tired of switching a dust hose from one tool to another? Build a control box and connect three tools at once.
It's like having a lumber yard in your shop. Storage for long boards, short cutoffs, and sheet material. Also, an optional guide for cutting large panels into manageable-sized pieces.
Twist bits dull? Get them sharper than new with Drill Doctor.