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ShopNotes Podcast 065 — Kitchens, Workshops, & Submarines

By: Phil Huber
Maximizing storage in a workshop may be a false goal. Hear what the hosts have to say.

Daydreaming about a kitchen remodel has Phil thinking about shop storage. As workspaces, kitchens and woodworking shop share quite a few similarities.

John and Logan discuss what makes sense for storing, keeping, purging while maintaining a fun refuge.

Nancy Hiller's book Kitchen Think offers advice on storage priorities ... and kitchen cabinet design.

Submarines, like the USS Cobia are case studies in efficient, minimalist layout and eliminating excess.

It's also a good time to consider a Spring Cleaning to make your workshop roomier.

Phil uses his tool chest as storage and a physical limit on the tools he "needs" for his workshop.

What's your storage system?

Published: April 12, 2021
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